Bedoelde u soms?
tabel | taden | taets | tafel | tatter | titel | toter | trier | tuer | tactgen | tasman | tasse | tassen | testes | totten | tusken | tussen | the | then | theod | ther | thin | thoe | thou | thys | tiel | tien | tres | twee | taemsz | thaems | thamisz | theeusz | themisz | tander | tappen | tapperij | tappper | teeus | tets | theeus | theues | theuss | thuus | thuys | theunisz | taeds | taeij | taems | taerse | terse | theri | tiers | thenio | theris | theunis | thoenis | thonis | thonisz | thuenis | taije | tant | tantes | tapte | tenet | tente | tiente | tone | trant
tabel | taden | taets | tafel | tatter | titel | toter | trier | tuer | tactgen | tasman | tasse | tassen | testes | totten | tusken | tussen | the | then | theod | ther | thin | thoe | thou | thys | tiel | tien | tres | twee | taemsz | thaems | thamisz | theeusz | themisz | tander | tappen | tapperij | tappper | teeus | tets | theeus | theues | theuss | thuus | thuys | theunisz | taeds | taeij | taems | taerse | terse | theri | tiers | thenio | theris | theunis | thoenis | thonis | thonisz | thuenis | taije | tant | tantes | tapte | tenet | tente | tiente | tone | trant