Bedoelde u soms?
tabel | taets | tafel | tante | tapper | tatter | titel | toter | trier | tuer | tactgen | tasman | tasse | tassen | testes | tusken | tussen | taij | thien | thiman | thimon | thins | thiri | thoe | thorn | thuin | tien | tijn | toin | trip | tris | tuin | ten | tgen | the | thenis | theod | ther | thoen | tiel | toen | toren | twee | theus | tho | thol | thom | thome | tour | tous | touw | trou | trouw | thys | tres | tadden | tadenz | teken | thade | thaden | thamen | tiden | traden | tyden | tymen | taeds | taeij | taems | taerse | teeus | terse | theri | tiers | taamsz | tamesz | thaems | thaemsz | tollen | tonsen | tooren | toten | totken | totte | totter | tottien
tabel | taets | tafel | tante | tapper | tatter | titel | toter | trier | tuer | tactgen | tasman | tasse | tassen | testes | tusken | tussen | taij | thien | thiman | thimon | thins | thiri | thoe | thorn | thuin | tien | tijn | toin | trip | tris | tuin | ten | tgen | the | thenis | theod | ther | thoen | tiel | toen | toren | twee | theus | tho | thol | thom | thome | tour | tous | touw | trou | trouw | thys | tres | tadden | tadenz | teken | thade | thaden | thamen | tiden | traden | tyden | tymen | taeds | taeij | taems | taerse | teeus | terse | theri | tiers | taamsz | tamesz | thaems | thaemsz | tollen | tonsen | tooren | toten | totken | totte | totter | tottien